Notification for CoalLinkage |
For The Singareni Collieries Company Limited |
SCCL Tranche VII : CORRIGENDUM 3 dated 06 October 2021: Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL Tranche VII : CORRIGENDUM 2 dated 05 October 2021: Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL Tranche VII : CORRIGENDUM 1 dated 04 October 2021 Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL Tranche VII : Corrigendum 1 dated 23.09.2021- Revised Offer for Others Sub sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for Others Sub sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for Sponge Iron Sub sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for CPP sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time. |
SCCL: Postponement notice for Tranche VII NRS linkage auction for various subsectors. |
SCCL: Offer for all Sub sectors Tranche VII. |
SCCL: Notice for Pre- bid Meeting for AOL of NRS - TRANCHE VII on 01.09.2021. |
SCCL: Offer for CPP Sub Sector Auction of Linkages Tranche VI |
SCCL: Offer for Cement Sub Sector Auction of Linkages Tranche VI |
SCCL: Offer for Others Sub Sector Auction of Linkages Tranche VI |
SCCL: NIA for Tranche VI dated 09.12.2020 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for Cement Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for CPP Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for Others Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for Sponge Iron Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for Cement Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for CPP Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for Others Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019 |
SCCL Tranche V offer for Sponge Iron Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019 |
SCCL REVISED Offered Quantities In Cement Subsector DATED 11-01-2019 |
SCCL REVISED Offered Quantities In CPP Subsector DATED 11-01-2019 |
SCCL REVISED_ Offered Quantities In Others Subsector DATED- 11-01-2019 |
SCCL Tranche IV offer for Other Sub Sector dated 03.01.2019 |
SCCL Tranche IV offer for CPP Sub Sector dated 03.01.2019 |
SCCL Tranche IV offer for Cement Sub Sector dated 03.01.2019 |
SCCL: AOL Pre Bid Meeting on 28.12.2018 |
SCCL Revised Offer for SPONGE IRON TR-III dated 10-09-2018 |
SCCL Offer for SPONGE IRON TR-III dated 04-09-2018 |
SCCL NIA FOR PRE BID Dated 31-08-2018 |
SCCL Revised Schedule T3 OTHERS for 29-03-2018 |
SCCL Schedule for additional lots Tranche-3 -CPP, Others on 28.03.2018 |
SCCL Schedule for auctions- SCCL T-III CPP |
SCCL Schedule for auctions- T-III SCCL OTHERS |
SCCL Schedule for T-III auctions-SCCL CEMENT |
SCCL Revised Schedule for Supplementary Tranche OTHERS dtd-18.02.2017 |
SCCL Revised Schedule for Supplementary Tranche CPP dtd-18.02.2017 |
SCCL Schedule for Supplementary Tranche OTHERS dtd 15.02.2017 |
SCCL Schedule for Supplementary Tranche Cement dtd 15.02.2017 |
SCCL Schedule for Supplementary Tranche CPP dtd 15.02.2017 |
Revised Schedule for SCCL Tranche 2 Others sub sector dated 21-01-2017 |
SCCL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Others TII dated 21-01-2017 |
SCCL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Others TII dated 19-01-2017 |
SCCL Schedule for Tranche 2 Others sub sector dated 19-01-2017 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 16-01-2017 |
SCCL- Revised Schedule for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron sub-sector dated 16-01-2017 |
SCCL- Corrigendum No 6 to Scheme Document for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron dated 13.01.2017 |
SCCL- Revised Schedule for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron Sub Sector dated 13.01.2017 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 8 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 09-01-2017 |
SCCL CPP Sub Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II REVISED dated 09-01-2017 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 07-01-2017 |
SCCL- CPP Sub-Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II REVISED dated 07-01-2017 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 29-12-2016 |
SCCL � Revised Schedule for CPP Tranche II dated 29-12-2016 |
Schedule for SCCL Cement Sector Tranche II dtd. 26-12-16 |
SCCL Sponge Sub-Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II dtd. 26-12-16 |
SCCL CPP Sub-Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II dtd. 26-12-16 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 26-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Cement, TII dated 26-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 26-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 23-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 23-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Cement, TII dated 23-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Documentfor Cement TII dated 21-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 21-12-2016 |
SCCL-Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 21-12-2016 |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement, TII |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII |
SCCL - Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII |
SCCL Tranche 2- Corrigendum No.1 to Scheme Document for Cement |
SCCL Tranche 2- Corrigendum No.1 to Scheme Document for CPP |
SCCL Tranche 2- Corrigendum No.1 to Scheme Document for Sponge Iron |
SCCL Sponge sub-sector schedule for auctions |
SCCL OTHERS sub-sector schedule for auctions |
Corrigendum No. 2 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron Sub-sector dated 18-11-2016 |
Corrigendum No. 2 to the Scheme Document for Others Sub-sector dated 18-11-2016 |
Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron Sub-sector dated 11.11.2016 |
Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Others Sub-sector dated 03.11.2016 |
Corrigendum No. 9 to the Scheme Document for CPP sub-sector dt 25.10.2016 |
Corrigendum No. 8 CPP Sub Sector dt 24.10.2016 |
revised CPP sector schedule for auction dated 19/10/2016 |
Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for CPP dated 19/10/2016 |
Corrigendum No. 6 to the Scheme Document for Cement Sub-sector dtd 17-10-2016 |
CPP sector schedule for auction |
Cement sector schedule for auction |
Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for CPP dtd 13-10-2016 |
Corrigendum No. 1 to the Model E-FSA dtd 10-10-2016 |
Corrigenda cum Addenda No. 2 to the FAQs for Cement, CPP and Sponge Iron Sub-sectors dtd 10-10-2016 |
Corrigendum No. 5 to the Scheme Document for Cement Sub-sector dtd 10-10-2016 |
Corrigendum No. 5 to the Scheme Document for CPP Sub-sector dtd 10-10-2016 |
Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Cement |
Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for CPP |
Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Cement |
Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for CPP |
Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for CPP |
Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement |
Corrigenda cum Addenda No 1 to the FAQs for Cement, CPP, and Sponge Iron |
Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement |
Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP |
SCCL coal linkage: Date Of pre-bid conference:23-09-2016, at 11 am for CEMENT & CPP Sub sectors at venue: Hotel Golkonda, Masab Tank, Hyderabad |
For Coal India Limited |
CIL: Login detail for Pre-auction consumer conference for CPP subsector under 'Auction of coal linkages for non-regulated sector - Tranche-V'. |
CIL : Notice for CPP auction NRS Linkage auction Tranche V dated 08-10-2021. |
CIL : Corrigendum 4 dated 28.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction. |
CIL : Corrigendum 3 dated 23.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction. |
CIL : Corrigendum 2 dated 18.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction. |
CIL : Corrigendum 1 dated 13.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction. |
CIL: Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction. |
CIL: Notice for deferment of Cement subsector auction under Tranche V. |
Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction. |
Cut off date with respect to scheme document of Cement subsector under Tranche V NRS linkage auction. |
CIL: Notice for Pre-auction consumer conference through VC for Cement subsector under 'Auction of coal linkages for non-regulated sector - Tranche-V' along with meeting details. |
CIL: Notice regarding Change in Capacity of End Use Plant under Auction of NRS coal linkages Tranche-V for CPP-Phase II. |
CIL: CIL Notice regarding Change in Capacity of End Use Plant under Auction of NRS coal linkages Tranche-V for Cement subsector- Phase II. |
CIL: CIL Notice Inviting Registration for Tranche V of 'Auction of coal linkages for non-regulated sector' (for cement, CPP, Others(non-coking) and Others (coking) sub sectors) |
CIL: Resumption of Non-Regulated Sector Linkage auctions under Tranche V. |
CIL: CIL Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/140 dated 26-03-2021: Addendum of clause regarding condition for supply of coal under NRS Linkage auction FSAs. |
CIL: Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/70 dated 09-02-2021: Addendum of clause regarding condition for supply of coal under NRS Linkage auction FSAs. |
CIL: Notice for Change in Capacity of End Use Plant under Auction of NRS coal linkages Tranche-V for Cement, CPP, Others(non-coking) & Others(coking) subsectors dated 07.01.2021 |
CIL: Modification in the NRS Linkage auction platform/documents for determination of normative coal requirement of the End Use Plant having linked coal block/mine dated 10.08.2020 |
CIL: Revised Schedule for Coal linkage auction for Sponge DRI Sub Sector Tranche V dated 27-12-2019 |
CIL: Revised offer for Sponge DRI Sub Sector Tranche V dated 18.12.2019 |
CIL: Notice for rescheduling of Sponge DRI auction Tranche V dated 18.12.2019 |
CIL: Postponement_notice_T-V_Sponge_Iron-17-12-2019 |
CIL: Offer for Sponge Iron Tranche V dated 10.12.2019 |
CIL_NIA-sponge-Iron-Tranche-V_dt_30-11-2019 |
CIL_Notice_for_change_in_capacity_of_EUP_T-V_Sponge_Iron_dt_30-11-2019 |
CIL:Pre_bid_notice_dt_30-11-2019 |
CIL: Revised Offer - Coking Coal for Steel Sub-Sector -T-V dated 18.10.2019 |
Notice for Second Pre-bid meeting for T-V Steel (Coking) sub-sector on 17.10.2019 |
Notice postponement of auction for T V Steel(coking) subsector of coal linkages dt 14.10.2019 |
CIL Record note of discussion of pre-auction conference for Steel coking under T-V dated 30-09-2019 |
CIL Notice RFP edit Steel coking-tranche V dated 24-09-2019 |
Notice for Pre-bid meeting for T-V Steel (Coking) on 25.09.2019. |
Revised offer CIL steel coking tranche V dated 20.09.2019 |
Offer CIL steel coking tranche V_dated 16.09.2019. |
Tentative Timeline for T-V Coking Coal (Steel) sub-sector. |
CIL: Notice – Commencement of Tranche V (starting with auction for Steel coking subsector) dated 09.09.2019 |
CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV Coking Coal for Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 28.06.2019 |
CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV Coking Coal for Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 27.06.2019 |
CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV Coking Coal for Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 26.06.2019 |
CIL- Corrigendum 2 Other (Coking) June 2019 dated 14-06-2019 |
CIL – Offer Other Coking T-IV dated 14-06-2019 |
CIL : deferment notice others(coking) 10.06.19 |
CIL : Corrigendum 1 Others(coking) June 2019 Cut off date |
CIL : Offer Other coking T-IV dated 30-05-19 |
CIL : Revised Timelines Steel(coking) T-IV dated 14-03-2019 |
CIL: Revised Timelines Steel(coking) T-IV dated 05-03-2019 |
CIL: Schedule for Coking Coal Sub Sector Steel Tranche IV dated 25.02.2019 |
CIL: Notice Change in Capacity of EUP dt 13-02-2019. |
CIL: Notice Renewal of FSA with PSE JVs clarification. |
CIL: NIA Tranche IV Steel coking Other coking preponed dt 07-02-19. |
CIL: NOTICE Pre-bid Meeting forCoking Coal. |
CIL: Amendments providing for third partv sampling in various models of FSAs for Non Power Sector dated 20.12.2018. |
CIL: Revised Schedule dated 05.12.2018 for T-IV Others (non-coking) has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS. |
CIL: Revised schedule Others non-coking dated 04-12-2018 |
CIL: Revised schedule Others non-coking dated 03-12-2018 |
CIL: CIL Revised schedule Others non coking dated 30-11-2018 |
CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV CIL Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 27.11.2018 |
CIL: Revised Schedule for T-IV Others (non-coking) has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS dated 21-11-2018 |
CIL Revised schedule Others(non-coking) dated 20-11-2018 |
CIL Revised schedule Others (non-coking) dt 19-11-2018 |
CIL:Revised Offer Others(non-coking) Tranche IV dated 08-11-2018 |
CIL: Revised Offer Tranche-IV Sub Sector Other dated 22-10-2018 |
CIL: Notice No. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/571 dated 15.10.2018 for increase in tenure of FSA to be executed with Steel Sector Consumers (for Coking Coal) under NRS Linkage Auction |
CIL Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/566 dated 12-10-2018: Modalities for Participation of Co-Gen CPPs |
CIL Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/565 dated 12-10-2018: Continuation of extant coal supply arrangement to expiring NCDP regime FSAs of NRS consumers till commensement of supplies under NRS Linkage Auction |
CIL Revised Offer Tranche IV CPP dated 04-10-2018 |
CIL Revised Offer Tranche IV CPP dated 20-09-2018 |
CIL: Offer Tranche-IV CPP dated 11-09-2018 |
CIL: Notice- for change in capacity of CPP and Other Sub sectors Tranche IV dated 28.08.2018 |
CIL: Pre Bid Meeting for CPP and Other Sub Sector has been revised to 27.08.2018 |
CIL Tranche IV Cement Revised Schedule dated 18-08-2018 |
Revised pre bid notice CPP Others dated 23.08.18 |
Pre bid Notice CPP Others dated 21.08.2018 |
Notice for change in EUP Cement sub-sector dated 31.07.18 |
CIL-Linkage_Auction_NRS-Tranche_IV-Cement_Revised_Offer_dt-31-07-2018 |
CIL-Linkage Auction NRS Tranche IV Cement Revised Offer dated 23-07-2018 |
CIL: Notice Self Assessed Clinker Production Capacity |
CIL: Linkage Auction NRS Tranche-IV Cement Offer dtd 18-07-2018 |
CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd-11.07.2018 |
CIL: Linkage Auction NRS Tranche-IV Cement Offer dtd 18-07-2018 |
CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd-11.07.2018 |
CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd 10-07-2018 |
CIL: Notice Continuation of Extant Coal Supply Arrangements against expiring NRS FSAs dtd 10-07-2018 |
CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd 07-07-2018 |
CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd 28-06-2018 |
CIL: Schedule for Sponge Iron Sub Sector Tranche IV dated 15.06.2018 |
CIL Notice - Extension of date of commencement of Tranche IV of NRS Linkage Auction for Sponge Iron |
CIL Notice- Cut-Off Date for Tranche IV of NRS Linkage Auction |
CIL Notice -Tranche IV - Pre Bid Meeting for Sponge Iron & Cement sub-sectors |
CIL Notice - Inviting_Registration-Tranche_IV |
CIL Notice - Renewal of FSA vis-a-vis Linkage Auction |
CIL Notice - Continuation of extant coal supply arrangements |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Model FSA for Others Sub sector Tranche III dated 15-02-2018 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Model FSA for Cement CPP Sub sectors Tranche-III dated 23-10-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP Sub sector Tranche-III dated 23-10-2017 |
CIL Linkage Auction(NRS) Tranche-III CPP Source wise Offer dated 23-10-2017 |
CIL NIA NRS CPP Tranche III dated 13-10-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Steel Oct 2017 dated 13-10-2017 |
CIL Linkage Auction NRS Tranche III Others Coking coal Source wise Offer Final dated 12-10-2017 |
CIL Revised Offer Tranche III Sponge Iron dated 12-10-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron TIII dated 12-10-2017 |
CIL NIA NRS Coking Coal For Others Sub-sector October 2017 dated 11-10-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron-TIII dated 10-10-2017 |
CIL Steel Coking coal Source wise Offer dated 06-10-17 |
CIL NIA NRS Coking Coal For Steel Sub sector dated 06-10-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron TIII dated 25-09-2017 |
CIL Revised Offer Tranche III Sponge Iron dated 25-09-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron TIII dated 22-09-2017 |
CIL Offer Tranche III Sponge Iron dated 22-09-2017 |
CIL NIA NRS Sponge Iron Tr III dated 18-09-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 8 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 18-09-2017 |
CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd-18-09-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 16092017 |
CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd 17-09-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 14-09-2017 |
CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd 14-09-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 13-09-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 11-09-2017 |
CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd 11-09-2017 |
CIL - Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Others, TIII dated 02-09-2017 |
CIL SCHEDULE Offer-Tranche-III-Others dated 02-09-2017 |
CIL SCHEDULE Offer-Tranche-III-Others dated 31-08-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 31-08-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 30-08-2017 |
CIL Notice NIA Other subsector Tranche-III dated 29-08-2017 |
CIL Tranche III Answer to Pre-bid Queries dated 28-08-2017 |
CIL Revised Offer Tranche-III Cement dated 25-08-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement TIII dated 25.08.2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement TIII dt 23-08-2017 |
Schedule for Cement Sector Tranche III dated 23-08-2017 |
CIL Notice NIA Cement subsector Tranche-III |
CIL Notice Pre bid for all consumers Tranche-III dated 28-08-17 |
CIL Registration Linkage Auction Tranche-III |
CIL Addendum to Revised Schedule dated May-26,2017 for CPP (Lot-Details) Tr-II-12-06-2017 |
CIL Schedule for CPP T2 REVISED dated 12-06-2017 |
CIL Schedule for CPP T2 dated 26-05-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP subsector(Lot-Details) Tr-II dated 26-05-2017 |
CIL Notice Linkage Auction Change in Capacity of EUP dtd 26-05-2017 |
CIL Responses to the Pre-bid queries for the Coking Coal Other sub sector dated 13.05.2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No2 to the Scheme Document for Others subsector dated 13-05-2017 |
CIL Schedule Linkage Auction Source wise Offer Others coking May 2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No1 to the Scheme Document for Others subsector dated 08-05-2017 |
CIL Notice Pre-Bid Meeting on 11-05-2017 |
CIL NIA Coking Coal for Others dt-06-05-2017 |
CIL Schedule for Steel (coking) dt-17-04-2017 |
CIL - Replies to pre-bid queries for Auction of Coking Coal Linkages to Steel Sub-sector dtd-14.04.2017 |
CIL - Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Steel subsector (Lot Details) dtd-13.04.2017 |
CIL - NIA - Coking Coal for Steel dtd-12.04.2017 |
CIL - Revised-Schedule Tranche-II Others dtd-04.04.2017 |
CIL - Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for Others TII(Lot Details) dtd 04-04-2017 |
Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Others TII (Lot Details) dtd-03.04.2017 |
CIL - Revised Schedule Tranche-II Others dtd-03.04.2017 |
CIL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Others TII (Lot Details) dtd 01-04-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Others TII dtd 01-04-2017 |
CIL Notice Pre Bid Meeting on 30-03-2017 Steel-Coking coal-240317 |
CIL Addendum Pre-bid queries - CPP and Others, Tranche II v6 dated 23-03-2017 |
CIL Pre bid queries CPP and Others Tranche-II dated 22-03-2017 |
CIL: Revised Schedule Tranche-II Others dated 22-03-2017 |
CIL: Corrigendum-No-2-to-the-Scheme-Document-for-Others-TII-(Lot-Details) dated 22-03-2017 |
CIL: Corrigendum No. 1 to the Scheme Document for Others Sub-sector, Tranche II (Lot details) |
CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche-II Others dtd 21.03.2017 |
CIL: NIA for CPP Sub-sector dtd 18.03.2017 |
CIL: NIA for Others Sub-sector Tranche II dtd 16.03.2017 |
CIL: Notice Linkage Auction Tranche II Pre Bid Meeting CPP & Others on 20.03.2017 |
The schedule for Tranche-2 OTHERS sub sector of Coal Linkage e-Auctions |
CIL: Reply to Pre-bid queries for Cement sub-sector Tranche-II dtd-27-02-2017 |
CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement TII Lot Details dated 18-02-2017 |
CIL Schedule of Tranche-II- Cement dated 17-02-2017 |
CIL : Notice-Pre-Bid-Meeting-on-22-02-2017 |
CIL : NIA Tranche II Cement dated 08-02-2017 |
CIL - Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 20-01-2017 |
CIL - Revised Schedule of Tranche-II - Sponge Iron dated 20-01-2017 |
Schedule of Tranche-2 Sponge Iron Sub-Sector dtd 11.01.2017 |
Pre-bid Queries for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron sub-sector dtd 11.01.2017 |
Notice- Revised offer for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron Sub-Sector dtd 11.01.2017 |
CIL NIA - Tranche II - Sponge Iron |
CIL Notice - Source-wise offer - Tranche II - Sponge Iron |
CIL Notice Pre Bid Meeting on 10.01.2017- Sponge Sector Tranche II |
Certification for Normative Coal Requirement of Successful Bidders-Others |
Amendment to Corrigendum No 4 and Other Sector Schedule |
Other sector schedule for auction |
Replies to additional consumer queries for Others Sub sector dtd. 06-10-2016 |
Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 4 - Lot Details |
Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 3 - Lot Details |
Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 2 to Scheme Document dated Sep 20, 2016 - Extension of Start Date |
Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 1 to Scheme Document dated Sep 20, 2016 - Extension of Start Date |
Replies to Pre-bid Queries for Others subsector dated 20th September 2016 |
Notice - Pre-bid Meeting for Others sub-sector - Coal Linkage auction for non-regulated sector dated 9th September 2016 |
Responses to general queries dated 23rd July 2016 |
Schedule of auctions for CPP Sub Sector dated 19-07-2016 |
Corrigendum No 8 to the Scheme Document dated June 22, 2016 for the CPP Sub-sector containing the revised Offer Quantity and Details of Lots |
Addendum No. 1 containing the Modalities for the co-generation CPPs |
Corrigendum No. 7 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 16-07-2016 |
Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document dated June 22, 2016 for the CPP Sub-sector containing revised details of lots dated 13-07-2016 |
Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document dated June 22, 2016 for the CPP Sub-sector containing the Offer Quantity and Details of Lots. |
Part 2 responses to Pre-Bid Queries raised during the pre-bid meeting held on June 25, 2016 for CPP sub-sector |
The responses to the Pre-Bid Queries raised during the pre-bid meeting held on July 5, 2016 for CPP sub-sector |
Corrigendum No. 4 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 06.07.2016 |
Responses(Part 1) to Pre-Bid Queries raised during the pre-bid meeting for CPP sub-sector dated June 25, 2016 |
Corrigendum No. 3 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 04.07.2016 |
Corrigendum No. 2 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 01.07.2016 |
Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 01.07.2016 |
Notice dated 29.06.2016 for Meeting with CPP sub-sector on 05-07-2016. |
Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP dated 25.06.2016 |
Schedule of auctions for Cement Sub Sector |
Responses to the Pre-bid queries for the Cement sub-sector dated 23.06.2016 |
Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 23.06.2016 |
Notice dated 21.06.2016 for Meeting with CPP sub-sector on 25-06-2016 |
Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 15.06.2016 |
Notice for postponement of Pre Bid Meeting for Cement and CPP sub sectors dated 14.06.2016 |
NIA for CPP Sub Sector |
Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 13.06.2016 |
Notice dated 13.06.2016 for Meeting with Cement sub-sector on 17-06-2016 |
NIA for Cement Sub Sector |
CIMFR Report for the Others Sub-sector |
Corrigendum No 3 to the updated Scheme Document dated 09.06.2016 |
Corrigendum No 2 to the updated Scheme Document dated 07.06.2016 |
Schedule of auctions for Sponge Iron Sub Sector |
Corrigendum to the updated Scheme Document dated 06.06.2016 |
Updated Replies to Pre-Bid Queries dated 06.06.2016 |
Notice dated 02.06.2016 for Meeting with sponge iron sub-sector on 04-06-2016 |
Notice dated 30.05.2016 |
Notice dated 26.05.2016 |