225-C, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Road
Kolkata-700 020, India
Phone : (+91-33) 2290-0964,2287-7557 / 0568 / 9627
Fax : (+91-33) 2287 8547, 22874178 , Cable-METSCRAP
Notification for CoalLinkage
For The Singareni Collieries Company Limited

SCCL Tranche VII : CORRIGENDUM 3 dated 06 October 2021: Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time.

SCCL Tranche VII : CORRIGENDUM 2 dated 05 October 2021: Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time.

SCCL Tranche VII : CORRIGENDUM 1 dated 04 October 2021 Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time.

SCCL Tranche VII : Corrigendum 1 dated 23.09.2021- Revised Offer for Others Sub sector with revised date and time.

SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for Others Sub sector with revised date and time.

SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for Sponge Iron Sub sector with revised date and time.

SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for CPP sector with revised date and time.

SCCL Tranche VII: Revised Offer for Cement Sub sector with revised date and time.

SCCL: Postponement notice for Tranche VII NRS linkage auction for various subsectors.

SCCL: Offer for all Sub sectors Tranche VII.

SCCL: Notice for Pre- bid Meeting for AOL of NRS - TRANCHE VII on 01.09.2021.


SCCL: Offer for CPP Sub Sector Auction of Linkages Tranche VI

SCCL: Offer for Cement Sub Sector Auction of Linkages Tranche VI

SCCL: Offer for Others Sub Sector Auction of Linkages Tranche VI

SCCL: NIA for Tranche VI dated 09.12.2020

SCCL Tranche V offer for Cement Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019

SCCL Tranche V offer for CPP Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019

SCCL Tranche V offer for Others Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019

SCCL Tranche V offer for Sponge Iron Sub Sector dated 13-07-2019

SCCL Tranche V offer for Cement Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019

SCCL Tranche V offer for CPP Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019

SCCL Tranche V offer for Others Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019

SCCL Tranche V offer for Sponge Iron Sub Sector dated 02-07-2019

SCCL REVISED Offered Quantities In Cement Subsector DATED 11-01-2019

SCCL REVISED Offered Quantities In CPP Subsector DATED 11-01-2019

SCCL REVISED_ Offered Quantities In Others Subsector DATED- 11-01-2019

SCCL Tranche IV offer for Other Sub Sector dated 03.01.2019

SCCL Tranche IV offer for CPP Sub Sector dated 03.01.2019

SCCL Tranche IV offer for Cement Sub Sector dated 03.01.2019

SCCL: AOL Pre Bid Meeting on 28.12.2018

SCCL Revised Offer for SPONGE IRON TR-III dated 10-09-2018

SCCL Offer for SPONGE IRON TR-III dated 04-09-2018

SCCL NIA FOR PRE BID Dated 31-08-2018

SCCL Revised Schedule T3 OTHERS for 29-03-2018

SCCL Schedule for additional lots Tranche-3 -CPP, Others on 28.03.2018

SCCL Schedule for auctions- SCCL T-III CPP

SCCL Schedule for auctions- T-III SCCL OTHERS

SCCL Schedule for T-III auctions-SCCL CEMENT

SCCL Revised Schedule for Supplementary Tranche OTHERS dtd-18.02.2017

SCCL Revised Schedule for Supplementary Tranche CPP dtd-18.02.2017

SCCL Schedule for Supplementary Tranche OTHERS dtd 15.02.2017

SCCL Schedule for Supplementary Tranche Cement dtd 15.02.2017

SCCL Schedule for Supplementary Tranche CPP dtd 15.02.2017

Revised Schedule for SCCL Tranche 2 Others sub sector dated 21-01-2017

SCCL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Others TII dated 21-01-2017

SCCL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Others TII dated 19-01-2017

SCCL Schedule for Tranche 2 Others sub sector dated 19-01-2017

SCCL - Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 16-01-2017

SCCL- Revised Schedule for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron sub-sector dated 16-01-2017

SCCL- Corrigendum No 6 to Scheme Document for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron dated 13.01.2017

SCCL- Revised Schedule for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron Sub Sector dated 13.01.2017


SCCL - Corrigendum No 8 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 09-01-2017

SCCL CPP Sub Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II REVISED dated 09-01-2017

SCCL - Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 07-01-2017

SCCL- CPP Sub-Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II REVISED dated 07-01-2017

SCCL - Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 29-12-2016

SCCL � Revised Schedule for CPP Tranche II dated 29-12-2016

Schedule for SCCL Cement Sector Tranche II dtd. 26-12-16

SCCL Sponge Sub-Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II dtd. 26-12-16

SCCL CPP Sub-Sector Schedule for auction Tranche II dtd. 26-12-16

SCCL - Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 26-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Cement, TII dated 26-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 26-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 23-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 23-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Cement, TII dated 23-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Documentfor Cement TII dated 21-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII dated 21-12-2016

SCCL-Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 21-12-2016

SCCL - Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement, TII

SCCL - Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for CPP, TII

SCCL - Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII

SCCL Tranche 2- Corrigendum No.1 to Scheme Document for Cement

SCCL Tranche 2- Corrigendum No.1 to Scheme Document for CPP

SCCL Tranche 2- Corrigendum No.1 to Scheme Document for Sponge Iron

SCCL Sponge sub-sector schedule for auctions

SCCL OTHERS sub-sector schedule for auctions

Corrigendum No. 2 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron Sub-sector dated 18-11-2016

Corrigendum No. 2 to the Scheme Document for Others Sub-sector dated 18-11-2016

Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron Sub-sector dated 11.11.2016

Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Others Sub-sector dated 03.11.2016

Corrigendum No. 9 to the Scheme Document for CPP sub-sector dt 25.10.2016

Corrigendum No. 8 CPP Sub Sector dt 24.10.2016

revised CPP sector schedule for auction dated 19/10/2016

Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for CPP dated 19/10/2016

Corrigendum No. 6 to the Scheme Document for Cement Sub-sector dtd 17-10-2016

CPP sector schedule for auction

Cement sector schedule for auction

Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for CPP dtd 13-10-2016

Corrigendum No. 1 to the Model E-FSA dtd 10-10-2016

Corrigenda cum Addenda No. 2 to the FAQs for Cement, CPP and Sponge Iron Sub-sectors dtd 10-10-2016

Corrigendum No. 5 to the Scheme Document for Cement Sub-sector dtd 10-10-2016

Corrigendum No. 5 to the Scheme Document for CPP Sub-sector dtd 10-10-2016

Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Cement

Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for CPP

Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Cement

Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for CPP

Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for CPP

Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement

Corrigenda cum Addenda No 1 to the FAQs for Cement, CPP, and Sponge Iron

Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement

Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP


SCCL coal linkage: Date Of pre-bid conference:23-09-2016, at 11 am for CEMENT & CPP Sub sectors at venue: Hotel Golkonda, Masab Tank, Hyderabad

For Coal India Limited

CIL: Login detail for Pre-auction consumer conference for CPP subsector under 'Auction of coal linkages for non-regulated sector - Tranche-V'.

CIL : Notice for CPP auction NRS Linkage auction Tranche V dated 08-10-2021.

CIL : Corrigendum 4 dated 28.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction.

CIL : Corrigendum 3 dated 23.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction.

CIL : Corrigendum 2 dated 18.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction.

CIL : Corrigendum 1 dated 13.09.2021 for Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction.

CIL: Revised Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction.

CIL: Notice for deferment of Cement subsector auction under Tranche V.

Tentative offer for Cement subsector linkage auction under Tranche V NRS Linkage auction.

Cut off date with respect to scheme document of Cement subsector under Tranche V NRS linkage auction.

CIL: Notice for Pre-auction consumer conference through VC for Cement subsector under 'Auction of coal linkages for non-regulated sector - Tranche-V' along with meeting details.

CIL: Notice regarding Change in Capacity of End Use Plant under Auction of NRS coal linkages Tranche-V for CPP-Phase II.

CIL: CIL Notice regarding Change in Capacity of End Use Plant under Auction of NRS coal linkages Tranche-V for Cement subsector- Phase II.

CIL: CIL Notice Inviting Registration for Tranche V of 'Auction of coal linkages for non-regulated sector' (for cement, CPP, Others(non-coking) and Others (coking) sub sectors)

CIL: Resumption of Non-Regulated Sector Linkage auctions under Tranche V.

CIL: CIL Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/140 dated 26-03-2021: Addendum of clause regarding condition for supply of coal under NRS Linkage auction FSAs.

CIL: Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/70 dated 09-02-2021: Addendum of clause regarding condition for supply of coal under NRS Linkage auction FSAs.

CIL: Notice for Change in Capacity of End Use Plant under Auction of NRS coal linkages Tranche-V for Cement, CPP, Others(non-coking) & Others(coking) subsectors dated 07.01.2021

CIL: Modification in the NRS Linkage auction platform/documents for determination of normative coal requirement of the End Use Plant having linked coal block/mine dated 10.08.2020

CIL: Revised Schedule for Coal linkage auction for Sponge DRI Sub Sector Tranche V dated 27-12-2019

CIL: Revised offer for Sponge DRI Sub Sector Tranche V dated 18.12.2019

CIL: Notice for rescheduling of Sponge DRI auction Tranche V dated 18.12.2019

CIL: Postponement_notice_T-V_Sponge_Iron-17-12-2019

CIL: Offer for Sponge Iron Tranche V dated 10.12.2019




CIL: Revised Offer - Coking Coal for Steel Sub-Sector -T-V dated 18.10.2019

Notice for Second Pre-bid meeting for T-V Steel (Coking) sub-sector on 17.10.2019

Notice postponement of auction for T V Steel(coking) subsector of coal linkages dt 14.10.2019

CIL Record note of discussion of pre-auction conference for Steel coking under T-V dated 30-09-2019

CIL Notice RFP edit Steel coking-tranche V dated 24-09-2019

Notice for Pre-bid meeting for T-V Steel (Coking) on 25.09.2019.

Revised offer CIL steel coking tranche V dated 20.09.2019

Offer CIL steel coking tranche V_dated 16.09.2019.

Tentative Timeline for T-V Coking Coal (Steel) sub-sector.

CIL: Notice – Commencement of Tranche V (starting with auction for Steel coking subsector) dated 09.09.2019

CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV Coking Coal for Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 28.06.2019

CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV Coking Coal for Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 27.06.2019

CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV Coking Coal for Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 26.06.2019

CIL- Corrigendum 2 Other (Coking) June 2019 dated 14-06-2019

CIL – Offer Other Coking T-IV dated 14-06-2019

CIL : deferment notice others(coking) 10.06.19

CIL : Corrigendum 1 Others(coking) June 2019 Cut off date

CIL : Offer Other coking T-IV dated 30-05-19

CIL : Revised Timelines Steel(coking) T-IV dated 14-03-2019

CIL: Revised Timelines Steel(coking) T-IV dated 05-03-2019

CIL: Schedule for Coking Coal Sub Sector Steel Tranche IV dated 25.02.2019

CIL: Notice Change in Capacity of EUP dt 13-02-2019.

CIL: Notice Renewal of FSA with PSE JVs clarification.

CIL: NIA Tranche IV Steel coking Other coking preponed dt 07-02-19.

CIL: NOTICE Pre-bid Meeting forCoking Coal.

CIL: Amendments providing for third partv sampling in various models of FSAs for Non Power Sector dated 20.12.2018.

CIL: Revised Schedule dated 05.12.2018 for T-IV Others (non-coking) has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.

CIL: Revised schedule Others non-coking dated 04-12-2018

CIL: Revised schedule Others non-coking dated 03-12-2018

CIL: CIL Revised schedule Others non coking dated 30-11-2018

CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche IV CIL Other Sub Sector NRS Coal Linkage auction dated 27.11.2018

CIL: Revised Schedule for T-IV Others (non-coking) has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS dated 21-11-2018

CIL Revised schedule Others(non-coking) dated 20-11-2018

CIL Revised schedule Others (non-coking) dt 19-11-2018

CIL:Revised Offer Others(non-coking) Tranche IV dated 08-11-2018

CIL: Revised Offer Tranche-IV Sub Sector Other dated 22-10-2018

CIL: Notice No. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/571 dated 15.10.2018 for increase in tenure of FSA to be executed with Steel Sector Consumers (for Coking Coal) under NRS Linkage Auction

CIL Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/566 dated 12-10-2018: Modalities for Participation of Co-Gen CPPs

CIL Notice no. CIL/M&S/Linkage Auction/565 dated 12-10-2018: Continuation of extant coal supply arrangement to expiring NCDP regime FSAs of NRS consumers till commensement of supplies under NRS Linkage Auction

CIL Revised Offer Tranche IV CPP dated 04-10-2018

CIL Revised Offer Tranche IV CPP dated 20-09-2018

CIL: Offer Tranche-IV CPP dated 11-09-2018

CIL: Notice- for change in capacity of CPP and Other Sub sectors Tranche IV dated 28.08.2018

CIL: Pre Bid Meeting for CPP and Other Sub Sector has been revised to 27.08.2018

CIL Tranche IV Cement Revised Schedule dated 18-08-2018

Revised pre bid notice CPP Others dated 23.08.18

Pre bid Notice CPP Others dated 21.08.2018

Notice for change in EUP Cement sub-sector dated 31.07.18


CIL-Linkage Auction NRS Tranche IV Cement Revised Offer dated 23-07-2018

CIL: Notice Self Assessed Clinker Production Capacity

CIL: Linkage Auction NRS Tranche-IV Cement Offer dtd 18-07-2018

CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd-11.07.2018

CIL: Linkage Auction NRS Tranche-IV Cement Offer dtd 18-07-2018

CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd-11.07.2018

CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd 10-07-2018

CIL: Notice Continuation of Extant Coal Supply Arrangements against expiring NRS FSAs dtd 10-07-2018

CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd 07-07-2018

CIL: Revised Schedule Sponge Tranche-IV dtd 28-06-2018

CIL: Schedule for Sponge Iron Sub Sector Tranche IV dated 15.06.2018

CIL Notice - Extension of date of commencement of Tranche IV of NRS Linkage Auction for Sponge Iron

CIL Notice- Cut-Off Date for Tranche IV of NRS Linkage Auction

CIL Notice -Tranche IV - Pre Bid Meeting for Sponge Iron & Cement sub-sectors

CIL Notice - Inviting_Registration-Tranche_IV

CIL Notice - Renewal of FSA vis-a-vis Linkage Auction

CIL Notice - Continuation of extant coal supply arrangements

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Model FSA for Others Sub sector Tranche III dated 15-02-2018

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Model FSA for Cement CPP Sub sectors Tranche-III dated 23-10-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP Sub sector Tranche-III dated 23-10-2017

CIL Linkage Auction(NRS) Tranche-III CPP Source wise Offer dated 23-10-2017

CIL NIA NRS CPP Tranche III dated 13-10-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Steel Oct 2017 dated 13-10-2017

CIL Linkage Auction NRS Tranche III Others Coking coal Source wise Offer Final dated 12-10-2017

CIL Revised Offer Tranche III Sponge Iron dated 12-10-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron TIII dated 12-10-2017

CIL NIA NRS Coking Coal For Others Sub-sector October 2017 dated 11-10-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron-TIII dated 10-10-2017

CIL Steel Coking coal Source wise Offer dated 06-10-17

CIL NIA NRS Coking Coal For Steel Sub sector dated 06-10-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron TIII dated 25-09-2017

CIL Revised Offer Tranche III Sponge Iron dated 25-09-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron TIII dated 22-09-2017

CIL Offer Tranche III Sponge Iron dated 22-09-2017

CIL NIA NRS Sponge Iron Tr III dated 18-09-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 8 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 18-09-2017

CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd-18-09-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 7 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 16092017

CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd 17-09-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 14-09-2017

CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd 14-09-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 13-09-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 11-09-2017

CIL Revised Schedule Tranche III Others dtd 11-09-2017

CIL - Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Others, TIII dated 02-09-2017

CIL SCHEDULE Offer-Tranche-III-Others dated 02-09-2017

CIL SCHEDULE Offer-Tranche-III-Others dated 31-08-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 31-08-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Others TIII dated 30-08-2017

CIL Notice NIA Other subsector Tranche-III dated 29-08-2017

CIL Tranche III Answer to Pre-bid Queries dated 28-08-2017

CIL Revised Offer Tranche-III Cement dated 25-08-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement TIII dated 25.08.2017

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement TIII dt 23-08-2017

Schedule for Cement Sector Tranche III dated 23-08-2017

CIL Notice NIA Cement subsector Tranche-III

CIL Notice Pre bid for all consumers Tranche-III dated 28-08-17

CIL Registration Linkage Auction Tranche-III

CIL Addendum to Revised Schedule dated May-26,2017 for CPP (Lot-Details) Tr-II-12-06-2017

CIL Schedule for CPP T2 REVISED dated 12-06-2017

CIL Schedule for CPP T2 dated 26-05-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP subsector(Lot-Details) Tr-II dated 26-05-2017

CIL Notice Linkage Auction Change in Capacity of EUP dtd 26-05-2017

CIL Responses to the Pre-bid queries for the Coking Coal Other sub sector dated 13.05.2017

CIL Corrigendum No2 to the Scheme Document for Others subsector dated 13-05-2017

CIL Schedule Linkage Auction Source wise Offer Others coking May 2017

CIL Corrigendum No1 to the Scheme Document for Others subsector dated 08-05-2017

CIL Notice Pre-Bid Meeting on 11-05-2017

CIL NIA Coking Coal for Others dt-06-05-2017

CIL Schedule for Steel (coking) dt-17-04-2017

CIL - Replies to pre-bid queries for Auction of Coking Coal Linkages to Steel Sub-sector dtd-14.04.2017

CIL - Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Steel subsector (Lot Details) dtd-13.04.2017

CIL - NIA - Coking Coal for Steel dtd-12.04.2017

CIL - Revised-Schedule Tranche-II Others dtd-04.04.2017

CIL - Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document for Others TII(Lot Details) dtd 04-04-2017

Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document for Others TII (Lot Details) dtd-03.04.2017

CIL - Revised Schedule Tranche-II Others dtd-03.04.2017

CIL - Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Others TII (Lot Details) dtd 01-04-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Others TII dtd 01-04-2017

CIL Notice Pre Bid Meeting on 30-03-2017 Steel-Coking coal-240317

CIL Addendum Pre-bid queries - CPP and Others, Tranche II v6 dated 23-03-2017

CIL Pre bid queries CPP and Others Tranche-II dated 22-03-2017

CIL: Revised Schedule Tranche-II Others dated 22-03-2017

CIL: Corrigendum-No-2-to-the-Scheme-Document-for-Others-TII-(Lot-Details) dated 22-03-2017

CIL: Corrigendum No. 1 to the Scheme Document for Others Sub-sector, Tranche II (Lot details)

CIL: Revised Schedule for Tranche-II Others dtd 21.03.2017

CIL: NIA for CPP Sub-sector dtd 18.03.2017

CIL: NIA for Others Sub-sector Tranche II dtd 16.03.2017

CIL: Notice Linkage Auction Tranche II Pre Bid Meeting CPP & Others on 20.03.2017

The schedule for Tranche-2 OTHERS sub sector of Coal Linkage e-Auctions

CIL: Reply to Pre-bid queries for Cement sub-sector Tranche-II dtd-27-02-2017

CIL Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement TII Lot Details dated 18-02-2017

CIL Schedule of Tranche-II- Cement dated 17-02-2017

CIL : Notice-Pre-Bid-Meeting-on-22-02-2017

CIL : NIA Tranche II Cement dated 08-02-2017

CIL - Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Sponge Iron, TII dated 20-01-2017

CIL - Revised Schedule of Tranche-II - Sponge Iron dated 20-01-2017

Schedule of Tranche-2 Sponge Iron Sub-Sector dtd 11.01.2017

Pre-bid Queries for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron sub-sector dtd 11.01.2017

Notice- Revised offer for Tranche-2 Sponge Iron Sub-Sector dtd 11.01.2017

CIL NIA - Tranche II - Sponge Iron

CIL Notice - Source-wise offer - Tranche II - Sponge Iron

CIL Notice Pre Bid Meeting on 10.01.2017- Sponge Sector Tranche II

Certification for Normative Coal Requirement of Successful Bidders-Others

Amendment to Corrigendum No 4 and Other Sector Schedule

Other sector schedule for auction

Replies to additional consumer queries for Others Sub sector dtd. 06-10-2016

Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 4 - Lot Details

Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 3 - Lot Details

Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 2 to Scheme Document dated Sep 20, 2016 - Extension of Start Date

Others Scheme - Corrigendum No 1 to Scheme Document dated Sep 20, 2016 - Extension of Start Date

Replies to Pre-bid Queries for Others subsector dated 20th September 2016

Notice - Pre-bid Meeting for Others sub-sector - Coal Linkage auction for non-regulated sector dated 9th September 2016

Responses to general queries dated 23rd July 2016

Schedule of auctions for CPP Sub Sector dated 19-07-2016

Corrigendum No 8 to the Scheme Document dated June 22, 2016 for the CPP Sub-sector containing the revised Offer Quantity and Details of Lots

Addendum No. 1 containing the Modalities for the co-generation CPPs

Corrigendum No. 7 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 16-07-2016

Corrigendum No 6 to the Scheme Document dated June 22, 2016 for the CPP Sub-sector containing revised details of lots dated 13-07-2016

Corrigendum No 5 to the Scheme Document dated June 22, 2016 for the CPP Sub-sector containing the Offer Quantity and Details of Lots.

Part 2 responses to Pre-Bid Queries raised during the pre-bid meeting held on June 25, 2016 for CPP sub-sector

The responses to the Pre-Bid Queries raised during the pre-bid meeting held on July 5, 2016 for CPP sub-sector

Corrigendum No. 4 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 06.07.2016

Responses(Part 1) to Pre-Bid Queries raised during the pre-bid meeting for CPP sub-sector dated June 25, 2016

Corrigendum No. 3 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 04.07.2016

Corrigendum No. 2 for the Scheme Document for the CPP sub-sector dated 01.07.2016

Corrigendum No 4 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 01.07.2016

Notice dated 29.06.2016 for Meeting with CPP sub-sector on 05-07-2016.

Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for CPP dated 25.06.2016

Schedule of auctions for Cement Sub Sector

Responses to the Pre-bid queries for the Cement sub-sector dated 23.06.2016

Corrigendum No 3 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 23.06.2016

Notice dated 21.06.2016 for Meeting with CPP sub-sector on 25-06-2016

Corrigendum No 2 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 15.06.2016

Notice for postponement of Pre Bid Meeting for Cement and CPP sub sectors dated 14.06.2016

NIA for CPP Sub Sector

Corrigendum No 1 to the Scheme Document for Cement dated 13.06.2016

Notice dated 13.06.2016 for Meeting with Cement sub-sector on 17-06-2016

NIA for Cement Sub Sector

CIMFR Report for the Others Sub-sector

Corrigendum No 3 to the updated Scheme Document dated 09.06.2016

Corrigendum No 2 to the updated Scheme Document dated 07.06.2016

Schedule of auctions for Sponge Iron Sub Sector

Corrigendum to the updated Scheme Document dated 06.06.2016

Updated Replies to Pre-Bid Queries dated 06.06.2016

Notice dated 02.06.2016 for Meeting with sponge iron sub-sector on 04-06-2016

Notice dated 30.05.2016

Notice dated 26.05.2016

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