

Welcome to Portal for Coal Linkage e-Auction for CIL & SCCL

Bulletin Board

  • CIL: Due to technical reasons, the NRS linkage auction of Amal_Muraidih_Phularitand_Colliery_KKC-LINK_Siding BCCL scheduled for today i.e., 26/10/2023 11AM has been rescheduled to 27/10/2023 11AM.
  • CIL: Mock e-Auction for Tranche VI NRS Linkage auction for Others (Coking) subsector shall be conducted on 6 October 2023 at 15.00 hours. Only bidders having sufficient EMD shall be eligible to bid.
  • Scheme document, Offer, Tentative timeline for Others (coking) subsector under tranche VI has been uploaded.