Indian Customs, in collaboration with MSTC, has established a centralized e-auction portal for all Custom Houses across India. This platform allows bidders to access and participate in Customs e-auctions through a single registration. There will be no need to register separately with individual Custom Houses for participating in e-auctions. To participate in Customs e-auctions, bidders must register on the portal by paying a non-refundable registration fee of ₹10,000 + GST, which remains valid for 10 years.

             Registered bidders will be informed about forthcoming e-auctions by e-mail. Therefore they must ensure that they keep their e-mail account active. All registered bidders are advised to go through the bidders’ guide available on this page before participating.

             The platform has the facility of participating in e-auctions including Auto Bid facility. The Notice Period for e-auctions will be generally 15 days. Successful bidders will receive an email notification once their bids are accepted by Customs. The successful bidder shall pay the Security Deposit within 3 days of the declaration of the results and the balance payment shall be paid within a further period of 5 days. Bidders shall be debarred from participating in future auctions in case of default on payment of Post Bid Security Deposit or full amount.

             Commissioners of Customs may specify other conditions also beyond the general terms and conditions in respect of e-auctions including methods of inspection and delivery of goods, and any other matter as may be deemed appropriate.


Bidder's Manual (Click Here)

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